What DOT&E's Following
To keep pace with new technologies in the DoD acquisition pipeline and new concepts of operation, as well as ever-changing global threats, DOT&E is focusing on revolutionizing test and evaluation.  This venture, which is critical to national security and maintaining a combat-credible force, will entail revamping T&E infrastructure, tools, methods and processes, and skillsets.  DOT&E is seeking ideas and tangible solutions in each of these areas, and plans to cast a wide net.  We also are watching science and technology development to see what kinds of systems we may need to test in the future so that the DoD T&E ecosystem will be prepared.  Below is some of the research we’re following. 
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CAML: Competency-Aware Machine Learning
Project Lead:  Dr. Lael Rudd

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ECOLE: Environment-driven Conceptual Learning
Project Lead:  Dr. William Corvey

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GARD: Guaranteeing AI Robustness Against Deception
Project Lead: Dr. Bruce Draper

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LINC: Learning Introspective Control
Project Lead:  Mr. John-Francis Mergen

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LwLL: Learning with Less Labeling
Project Lead:  Dr. Bruce Draper

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RTML: Real-Time Machine Learning
Project Lead:  Dr. Sung Kyu Lim

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XAI: Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Project Lead:  Dr. Matt Turek
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Assured Autonomy
Project Lead:  Mr. William Martin

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CREATE: Context Reasoning for Autonomous Teaming
Project Lead:  Mr. Aaron Kofford

ARS logo from nps.edu
Moving Forward with Unmanned Systems
Sponsoring Organization:  Naval Post-Graduate School

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OFFSET: Offensive Swarm-Enabled Tactics
Project Lead:  Dr. Lael Rudd
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HIVE: Hierarchical Identify Verify Exploit
Project Lead:  Dr. Bryan Jacobs

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SDH: Software-Defined Hardware
Project Lead:  Dr. Howard Shrobe
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CASE: Cyber Assured Systems Engineering
Project Lead:  Mr. William Martin

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Sponsoring Organization:  U.S. Cyber Command & Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

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GAPS: Guaranteed Architecture for Physical Security
Project Lead:  Dr. Matthew Wilding

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RED: Reverse Engineering of Deceptions
Project Lead:  Dr. Bruce Draper

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ASKE: Automating Scientific Knowledge Extraction
Project Lead:  Dr. Joshua Elliott

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CSL: Cooperative Secure Learning
Project Lead:  Dr. Joshua Baron

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DPRIVE: Data Protection in Virtual Environments
Project Lead:  Dr. Bryan Jacobs

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KMASS: Knowledge Management at Scale and Speed
Project Lead:  Mr. Ted Senator

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SafeDocs: Safe Documents
Project Lead:  Dr. Sergey Bratus
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EDGE: Enhancing Design for Graceful Extensibility
Project Lead:  Dr. Bartlett Russell
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D3M: Data-Driven Discovery of Models
Project Lead:  Dr. Joshua Elliott

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SD2: Synergistic Discovery and Design
Project Lead:  Dr. Joshua Elliott
PhotoShop of the DARPA logo
Project Lead:  Dr. Lael Rudd

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Space-BACN: Space-Based Adaptive Communications Node
Project Lead:  Dr. Greg Kuperman

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DRBE: Digital RF Battlespace Emulator
Project Lead:  Mr. John Davies